Hey There!
I'm Mindi
First and foremost, I am a follower of Christ. While I've made my fair share of mistakes (and no doubt will keep on making more of them), my slate was washed clean by the blood of the lamb when I was 7 years old and living in FL for a short while.

I grew up in Westmoreland - riding bikes with my friends and siblings, walking to the corner store for a slush puppy, and spending countless hours in my driveway twirling just for the fun of it.

I loved making up my own routines with tricks that were always a little too hard for me. It gave me something to work toward and felt so great to finally nail it! I got my first baton in the 1st grade, but moved away before I could perform at the first ball game. When we moved back home for 4th grade, I was so excited to REALLY start twirling! I was a Kellogg Tiger Stripe, then a Vinson Marching Tiger, next a majorette at Spring Valley High School, and finally a majorette at Marshall University - my ultimate goal, and probably the only reason I was ever interested in going to college if I'm honest.

After graduating high school in 2004, I spent a few years training elementary & middle school majorettes at Buffalo, and boy did I really love that! I was able to stay with the same team of girls until they moved up to high school, and it was so awesome to watch them grow into wonderful young ladies. I graduated from Marshall Community & Technical College in 2007 (back when it was still a thing) with an Associates Degree for interior design and an engagement ring on my finger! My new goal was to be a wife and mom. I became a wife in April 2009, and by January 2016 I had the "mom" part completed... times 5.

Now I am a full-time wife & homeschool mom to those five blondies, and Daughters & Sons Photography is my family photography business on the side. I still love twirling and can't imagine I'll ever stop! Isn't it funny... as children we develop these interests and hobbies, never truly knowing what they will become. What a blessing it is to me in my adult years that my mom allowed me to invest so much time in my childhood hobby. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share my love of twirling and love for the Lord with girls and families in my hometown!