My name is Jenni
First and most importantly is the love I have for my Lord and Savior.
I accepted the Lord when I was six years old. I am far from perfect, so thankful for his Amazing Grace!

As a small child I would play church and teach my toys about the Lord. As my love for the Lord grew, so did my passion to teach children about Jesus. I grew up in Lesage-playing with friends, jumping rope, swimming, 4-H, and bowling. There was a time I would have a jump rope around my waist and a baton in my hand. I was a Rangerette and a majorette at Cabell Midland. I enjoyed being in band but loved to twirl. I would spend hours outside twirling and spinning holes into my Keds.

I had a wonderful opportunity to go on a missionary trip to Jamaica. I was in awe of how God provided the funds for me to go, just a few days before we left. From ministering through Interpretive sign to playing Cricket on the beach of Montego Bay with the children. To trying foods, I wasn't quite sure of and thanking God for that small jar of peanut butter! To experience their culture and celebrating Resurrection Sunday with them was amazing.

I graduated from Huntington School of Beauty Culture. I enjoy doing pedicures at Elhaijj Salon and Spa. God blessed me with an amazing husband. I prayed for ten years for one child; I am now a homeschool mom of six wonderful children. God has blessed me beyond what I could've ever imagined. I love spending time with my family and friends.